Job interviews: it's like an art

Good Takes on Job Interviews:

Before reaching out to recruiters or submitting applications, it is essential to follow a structured approach. Here’s a recommended roadmap:

Create a Strong CV
Include Relevant Keywords
Use Optimization Tools like Jobscan
Customize your CV for Each Application
Submit Applications
Contact Recruiters
Prepare for Interviews
Practice on Leetcode
Study System Design
Use Resources like Grokking the System Design Interview


Your CV will be extensively filtered, so it’s crucial to include relevant keywords. For instance, if the job involves artificial intelligence, make sure to add keywords like “AI,” “create,” and “build.” To optimize your CV further, consider using tools such as Jobscan. Also, remember to tailor your keywords for different job applications.

Good Language for CVs:

  • LaTeX
  • HTML

Interview Preparation

Prepare for Behavioral Questions
Use the STAR Method
Research the Company
Conduct Mock Interviews
With Peers
Use Platforms like Pramp
Practice Relaxation Techniques
Ensure Adequate Sleep
Regular Exercise
Build Confidence


There are no shortcuts to success in interviews: preparation is key. Familiarize yourself with common questions, rehearse your answers, and ensure you understand the role and the company well.

Behavioral Questions

  • Always ask questions!