
My goal is to gain muscle mass and strength. I want to learn how to boost testosterone naturally and optimize my diet and training program. So everthing in this article is about that.

My traing program (full body workout)

I want to try doing a full body workout 3 times a week. Wensday, Friday, Sunday. repeated bout effect, so the repeated stimulus leads to less muscle damage and soreness.

I do pausing i reps

I will try to take picture of my self to see the progress.



Home workout


less heavy so more reps, every 2 days:

  • neck flexion
  • neck extension
  • lateral flexion
  • rotation

buy a neck harness i think it’s worth it, do it at home. the device.


  • Reverse grips curls Reverse grips curls
  • Hand gripper Hand gripper
  • Popeye Pronator Popeye Pronator

Gym workout

Delts (shoulders)

front and rear delts are the lest important since you do it cheat and back work. side delts are the most important 70~90%.


  • Super rom leterail raise (don’t rotate arm or hand [don’t thumb up]) alt text
  • Cross body cable y-raise (but go in front of you don’t get stuck by you body) alt text






  • Cable crunches alt text
  • Leg raises (roman chair) alt text
  • Plank
  • anti-rotation target the transverse abds and obliques




  • 10 min of cardio after the workout


  • Mean level today: ~400 ng/dl

Steps to boost it:


  • Optimize cholesterol levels: Cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone. Healthy levels can improve hormone production.
  • Train your legs: Compound exercises involving leg muscles can boost testosterone for up to 72 hours (ideal frequency: 2 times per week).
  • Get 3 hours of deep sleep (stages 3-4 NREM): Deep sleep is critical for hormone regulation.
    • How to improve deep sleep: Relax your body; magnesium helps. Sources include avocados or supplements.
  • Spend time in sunlight: Exposure to sunlight regulates your circadian rhythm and resets high cortisol levels. A morning walk is ideal.


eat a lot don’t transform the food into muscle, so you diet permit to have muscle growth, you can’t force feed grow muscle. The idea to have 10 ~ 20% more calories than you need.

⚠️ 2 more important is to :

  • hit calorie target
  • hit engouh protein to gain muscle mass

Than The 3 macronutrients are important:

  • creatine: I the best natural option you can take 1.4 kg per year of leans mass. don’t have any side effect don’t need cycle (side note for 25% of people creaetine don’t work).
  • Protein: It’s concevient to use if you can ti your goal with food. 1.6 ~ 2.2 g/kg of body weight.
  • caffeine: give strength, power muscular endurance, not muscle growth. I don’t recommend (i don’t) since you build a tolerance.

for example : steroide cycle 4 ~ 9 kg in & month.

3 ~6 meals per day is ideal.

alt text alt text


  • don’t have a workout plan, you need to have a plan to implement a progress overload usualy load (⚠️ i did struggule quite on that).
  • Bad technical (ego lifting, bad form) but you can still
  • don’t use wide range of motion, to get deep stretch.
  • Controle the negative phase of the movement. Don’t let the weight free fall, specialy on the finale rep where muscle activation is the highest.
  • Slipt don’t do bro split (i did that for a long time) I do full body workout is better. Split example
  • doing to much set, max 6 set is enough.

To add i don’t know where

I find my self with joint strain before muscle fatigue I need to work on that.


  • Testosterone: A key hormone for muscle growth, energy, and libido.
  • Anabolic: Refers to processes that build tissue, including muscle. Testosterone is an anabolic hormone.
  • REM sleep: Stands for Rapid Eye Movement sleep. Critical for memory and learning but not directly related to testosterone.
  • Cortisol: The stress hormone. It isn’t inherently bad; it helps regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, inflammation, protein metabolism, and sleep-wake cycles. However, chronic high cortisol can interfere with testosterone production.


My methode is inspired by Mike Mentzer, Jeff Nippard. I will use a combination of full body and heavy duty methode.

a bit:


Metabolism: body process of conveting food into energy, so survival reoair and growth. metabolistes : Metabolites are by-products of exercise. Their buildup causes a burning sensation, but it can also stimulate muscle growth, making it beneficial for muscle development.